Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chapter Three

Alien Encounter
After his late night dumpster dive, William went home. He was so tired, he thought nothing would wake him. How wrong he was, so terribly wrong.

William was awakened from a deep sleep by a high pitched noise. It was almost the sound of an engine but it was coming from above the house. A helicopter? William wondered but it didn't sound like any helicopter he had ever heard before. Then he noticed the lights shining through the windows.

William wanted to run and hide but thought "What could a bunch of lights do to me?" So he got up to find out what was going on. He half expected it to be some prank being pulled by some local teenagers. So outside he went not suspecting what was about to happen.

He looked up and noticed a strange alien space ship in the sky above him. He knew he should run but he froze in fear, thinking that maybe if he stood still they wouldn't see him. The lights started to condense down into a tight concentrated beam around him. Well standing still certainly didn't work but he couldn't run either. His arms and legs were moving but it was like running in a nightmare. He was running but not moving all the while the monster was getting closer and closer.

He must have blacked out for a moment and when he came to he was strapped to some sort of examining table. He tried to break free but the more he struggled the tighter the straps became. He was scared, the most frightened he had ever been in his life! He wanted to scream but no sound came out.

Then he heard it. Muffled sounds coming from behind him. William tried to turn his head to see what was going on. It was then he saw them, two alien creatures. They were busy selecting and gathering instruments onto a tray. When they were finished, they turned towards him and a bright light came on above him.

"Oh no, oh God no! Please, oh God help!" William increased his struggles as the Aliens approached. Tears of frustration and fear streamed down his cheeks making it difficult to see.

The Aliens passively looked down upon their struggling specimen. One of them picked up a vial from the tray and pressed it to Williams neck and his struggles ceased.

First alien technician: "Good those sounds it was making were becoming annoying".

Second alien technician: "Yes and completely useless".

First alien technician: "I concur but the ones that struggle make the best specimens".

Second alien technician: "Of course the ones that don't, die. Then they prove useful for dissection."

First alien technician: "The subject is a healthy, human male."

Second alien technician: "It also has a micro tag embedded in its DNA. Look up micro tag number 1A004F0006U to see what experiment this subject is slated for."

First alien technician goes to a computer panel and runs the micro tag number. After a few moments he comes back and says: "this specimen is the offspring of micro tag number 1A004F1005U. That subject had her reproductive organs repaired by the experimental procedure that left the subject sterile after conception. This specimen being the offspring of that earlier subject is slated for phase two of that experiment."

Second alien technician: "This should prove challenging as we will need to stimulate growth of the female reproductive organs in a male."

First alien technician: "Should we leave the male reproductive organs or replace them?"

Second alien technician: "Leave them and maintain normal functions."

First alien technician: "That will slow the growth of the female organs."

Second alien technician: "Affirmative but essential. We don't want the subject to become suspicious and have some human doctor destroy our work."

First alien technician: "Ah yes, we've had several failed experiments due to some doctor removing the organs. This procedure will take approximately 2 to 3 years for the female organs to be fully grown and functioning."

Second alien technician: "Very well. We will return at that time to proceed to phase three of the experiment."

Afterwards the Aliens delivered William to his house in Aura Skies. William didn't feel any different but he knew they did something. However he didn't want to report the abduction either and become another statistic or be probed by doctors. After all he was probed enough already he thought.

He dragged himself into the house, wishing he had someone he could talk to. He needed help to sort out his concerns about what happened. He felt shell shocked.


  1. o.O Oh dear. I wonder what strange feelings William will feel with the foreign organs in his body. Silly aliens and their experiments. LOL.

  2. He doesn't notice much as other things will keep him preoccupied.

  3. The alien abduction was interesting! First a burglary now this? Poor William can't catch a break.

    1. Poor William has a lot of stuff coming at him real fast. Poor guy!

  4. What kind of experiment are these aliens running? Female and male reproductive organs?! Interesting. I have a feeling William is going to have some very interesting events occur later.

    1. This is just the beginning of his alien contact. The experiment began with his mother and the aliens are ready to continue with him. The reason for why the aliens are doing this come out slowly through out the generation and into the next.

  5. Yikes! I wonder whats going to happen to him now. Poor William. I wonder what issues this is going to cause for him down the road!

    1. Poor William is right! The aliens have big plans for William and he's going to need help to see him through it.
