Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 16

Robert picked up the mail after class, finding several letters from home. Smiling broadly as he tore open the one from Michael.

"Rob, can you talk to Dad and explain to him I'm not a little kid anymore? I don't need to be read to sleep every night. It's ok he wants to do stuff with me but maybe it's time we find something else to do. Do you have any ideas?

P.S. Gene is causing trouble again. Can you come home and pound some sense into him?


Shaking his head, Robert went into dormitory, shuffling through the mail and opened the next one.

"Robbie, How's Patricia? When are you going to bring her home? I'd love to see her again. You missed Paul's birthday he's such an adorable toddler. Gene may be right, he doesn't look like any of us. I enclosed a few pictures of the party. 

What do you think? Where did that black hair come from? I can't believe Mom would do something like this to Daddy! Hope you can come home soon. You're the only one who can talk sense into Gene. It took everything I could think of to keep Gene and Mom from screaming at each other during the party. Can't really blame Mom though, after all Gene was higher than a kite and in his underwear. But no one should have to listen to her insults; especially at a party. Their screaming matches are becoming more frequent lately. You would think at her age, she would know better. The person I feel sorriest for is Dad. He's always being pulled apart by those two idiots and it's only gotten worse sense Casey left.

P.S. We have a new baby brother. Tell Evie he's green, just like her.



Robert could feel the old familiar frustration bubbling up inside him as he wondered what they expected him to do. Why did everyone think he could perform miracles when it came to Gene? It seemed like every break through he accomplished came with bumps and bruises. He was getting tired of being Gene's punching bag. He walked into the living room, sat on the couch as he opened the next letter.

"Hey Bro, how's it goin? Hope your woman's not a stark raving lunatic like Dad's bitch. When are you coming home? I need you to convince Dad to kick that bitch out. What's he waiting for? It's not like she loves him. Just look at Paul, isn't that enough proof for him? If that isn't enough you should have seen her screaming like an old banshee when Bryan was born.

Dad's not too happy I got pictures of the birth but someone had to be happy about the arrival of our little brother. I don't know how Dad's gonna manage with a toddler and two infants in the house. Oh did I mention, Mom's little brat was a boy they named Gregory? This one might just be Dad's, he kind of reminds me of Mikey. My skin crawls at the thought of them doing ... ugh, can you imagine? So have you and your girl done it yet? I need details, bro.

Can I come and live with you? The bitch wants me gone and I can't stand seeing what she's doing to Dad. So can I? Please!

P.S. I got arrested again. I'm sure Dad will tell you all about it. Cops took my fake ID card and it cost me a fortune. But if you let me come and live with you I promise I won't get into any trouble.

Leaning forward, he rested his head in his hands. How could he tell Gene no? He wanted a chance to be free from all the drama Gene inevitably would bring into his life. The four of them had been discussing pulling their money together and buying a house. They could just afford a small one bedroom house with the money they had saved. There just wasn't room enough for Gene, not to mention the lack of privacy, which they were still trying to figure out. He didn't want to bring his drug addicted, beer guzzling kid brother into the mix. Getting up, Robert decided to go up to his room and read his Dad's letter.

Sitting on this his bed he steeled himself for what he was sure to be bad news from his Father.
Dear Son,

I know this will come as no surprise. You have two new baby brothers, Gregory and Bryan. I've tried to convince your mother to get her tubes tied but as usual she refused to listen to reason.

I'm getting a little too old to want to be chasing toddlers around the house. I would much rather be planning for a comfortable retirement instead of worrying about paying college tuitions. It might have been different if she showed an ounce of interest in their wellbeing but she seems to have turned deaf to their cries and I'm being run ragged with the demands of two infants and a toddler.

Beverly does her best to help but I would much rather she focus on her school work. Gene as you may know is back to his old tricks and I'm afraid the babies as they get older and are crawling around will find his stash that he has hidden around here somewhere. With so much chaos going on, I have little time or patience to cope with Gene.

I just don't know how to help him and as long as he refuses help there's not much that can be done. As much as I hate to admit defeat, I'm at my whit's end with him. He is failing all of his classes and will not be graduating this year. He'll be eighteen in a few months and I have told him if he expects to continue to live under my roof that he would have to finish school and graduate. Be prepared for him to ask if he could come and live with you.

Gene and your mother got into a right old screaming match the other day. He was caught drinking in one of the bars in town. The cops confiscated is fake ID and brought him home. Your mother was livid and started right in on him. As neither one of them listen to me, I just let them hurl insults at each other and worked on keeping the kids clear of wherever they were at. I've pretty much given up on ever having a peaceful family life.

You may not know this but I've consulted with a lawyer about getting a divorce. The lawyer feels that based upon the evidence, your mother would get custody of the little ones, despite the fact she's not much of a mother to them. I'm still with that woman only because I can't leave those babies in her care when I know they would be neglected. I try not to see them as a mill stone around my neck but there are days I feel like I'm drowning.

It's heartbreaking to see the woman she's become when I remember the girl I once loved and married over twenty years ago. Please take this in the spirit it's intended. Don't rush into marriage. I'm sure Patricia's a lovely girl but people change for better or worse. I know the stresses of my abductions and Sydney's death played havoc on your mother. Be sure Patricia knows what she's getting into in regards to the aliens. It takes a special kind of person to handle it, I hope she's that kid of person.



Standing up to stretch, Robert wished there was something he could do to help his Dad besides offering his support. He knew his Dad would never leave that woman not if it meant leaving his kids behind. There welfare was more important than his own. Should he forget his plans and move back home to help his Dad with the little ones? Would Patricia wait for him?



  1. Ok, so I couldn't wait until later to read this chapter. I had some time so I figured I'd get to it now. Anyway, on to the chapter. Gene, Gene, Gene. What to do with you. I think the only thing that will snap him out of everything is a strong woman. He needs to meet that special girl. You know, the cliche'd "nerd" who'd rather be reading and studying than out partying. A tutor maybe? As for Robert, I don't think he should leave college to be with his family! They're burdening him. He's so young, he should find himself before he thrusts himself into a mess at home. I'm afraid that something will happen to his relationship with Patricia just like when he moved the first time. Robert...think about what you're doing!

    1. Gene is a mess and he's only getting worse. He's given up on himself; especially now that Robert isn't there and his Dad is too stressed out with caring for too many babies. Jessica constantly nagging and yelling at him doesn't help. Gene had a nerdy tutor. Remember Pearl? He was able to manipulate her too easily. So he needs someone who will be able to stand up to him and support him at the same time. Will he find her? Only time will tell but first he should want to make changes for himself.

      Robert is feeling like he should go home and help his Dad care for his baby brothers. He doesn't know what to do because he wants to make his Dad proud by staying in college and know if he quits he would be letting him down. His biggest concern is how his decision would affect his relationship with Patricia. He's being torn apart by what he wants to do with his life and what he feels he should do. His family is becoming a burden without even realizing it. They need someone they can turn to and right now that's Robert. You'll know what his decision was in the next chapter.

  2. T_T William's letter was so touching... I feel so bad for him, all he's doing is trying and trying and no one is helping him. He has the patience of a saint. LOL. He's such a good guy, and he keeps getting shit on. When he said that he couldn't leave Jessica just yet because he was afraid that she would neglect the babies if they gave her custody, it was just so sad.
    I can't help wondering if Gene is lashing out because he wants out of that house, like he wants to get kicked out so that he can be free of Jessica. It doesn't look like it's working though. :(
    Poor Robert doesn't need this, he's in college, and that in itself is stressful enough.

    1. They are between a rock and a hard place.
      Poor William he's sinking and there's nothing that can be done about it. He not only has to struggle with being abducted, having more babies than anyone can handle, an out of control teen and a wife that could care less. Yeah his life sucks and he feels stuck. He consulted with a lawyer hoping that he would be able to help but it only confirmed what he feared. She would get custody and there's no way he's every going to leave those babies in her care. Even if some of them aren't his, he's too good of a person to abandon them.
      Gene is just making things worse and all he wants is out of that house but he isn't ready to make any real changes yet. He thinks he would if Robert would come home and take him away from Jessica and her torment. Things might improve but at what cost to Robert who wants to help but doesn't have the circumstances. He's seriously thinking about giving up everything to go home and help his dad.
