Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Generation 2, Chapter 14 - Part 3

Casey seeing them come out lost his smile as he saw the condition of Roberts face. He stormed over to them, accusing Gene "I knew you were going to blow some day. Did you have to do it on my birthday?"

Gene instantly lost his smile and the familiar defeated look crept across his features. He felt Robert squeeze his shoulder reassuringly "Easy there bud," he heard Robert whisper in his ear.

"Congratulations little bro," Robert said loudly. Then lowered his voice so that only the three of them could hear, as others echoed him. "Calm down Case. Everything's alright"

"But your face," Casey began in concern "you look awful."

"Yeah well I've had better days," he shrugged. Smiling Robert raised his voice and started to sing happy birthday and others joined. Taking the opportunity to lean into Casey to whisper in his ear "don't make a scene. He's sorry, so don't give him a hard time."

"He's always sorry," Casey muttered giving Gene a cold hard stare.

Grabbing his arm Robert insisted "I mean it Case," looking him in the eye. "Do it for me."

Shrugging off his hand Casey said "Alright have it your way." He walked away to stand in front of his cake smiling at all the guests singing to him.

Robert scanned the room, noting his father leaning solemnly on the far wall watching the proceedings. Robert was sure he hadn't missed the altercation or his battered face. He smiled in his direction and received a faint smile in return. He felt a jolt of anxiety pulse through his body like he touched a live wire. He looked to his dad, who seemed to be having an identical anxiety attack.

William maneuvered his way through the crowd to Robert's side. "Are you alright?"

Nodding briefly, he asked "What's up? The air feels charged with electricity."

William smiled sadly "you feel it too? I was hoping it was just me. With everything that's been happening, this is the last thing we need."

"What are you talking about?" Robert asked confused.

"It's the way I always feel right before the aliens come."

"I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. How do you cope with all of this?" Robert asked putting his other arm around his Dad. "You look so calm?"

"I was thinking the same of you," William smiled. "Once right after you were born I was abducted. I made the mistake of falling apart. I didn't know what was happening to me. My body was changing. At the time I didn't know I was pregnant and I was anxious all the time."

"That's when mom insisted you see a doctor," Gene offered.

"Yep and as they say the rest is history."

Gene grunted thinking if his mother would have been a different person his Dad would never have met that evil Doctor in Aurora Skies. Then all their lives would have been different.

Looking across at Gene, William said "Son don't blame your mother. I was pretty messed up at the time and needed help. She just didn't know when to let go and let me heal."

"So what are we going to do?" Robert asked.

"About what? The aliens?" William asked "there's not much we can do, except hope for the best."

"I really don't like this feeling," Robert grumbled.

"I know how you can feel nothing at all," Gene replied.

"I don't want to know," Robert scowled at Gene. "I know the results of that kind of numbing and it's not for me."

Gene shrugged "I don't much like it myself," he said looking a the mess he had made of Robert's face.

Robert squeezed is shoulder "it's ok bro. I love you anyways." His simple statement brought tears stinging to Gene's eyes and he blinked fast to keep them from showing.

They watched Casey excitedly open his presents and when the last one was opened Gene spoke up. Clearing his throat he announced "Sorry Casey I forgot to get you a present." He looked directly at Casey, silently pleading for him to keep his mouth shut. "But I hope you'll accept this instead." he sighed drawing up the courage to go through with his decision. "I've decided to go into rehab."

The room went silent after his announcement. Casey smiled and walked around to face him. "That's the best present anyone could have given me," Casey said giving  him a hug happy that his little brother was finally taking steps to get help.

"Did you do this?" William asked gesturing towards Gene.

Shaking his head "no I had no idea he was going to do this. Although" Robert pointed to his face "I think this scared him."

"You are alright, aren't you?" William asked as he helped Robert over to the couch. Watching the pain flit across  his face as he sat down.

"Yeah I think so," Robert winced trying to get comfortable. "I think I have some cracked ribs."

"You need a doctor," William said firmly.

"So I'm told," Robert muttered. "Don't worry, Gene will take me once the party winds down. Besides he needs to face the consequences of his actions." He gave his dad a lopsided grin.

"You really do look awful."

"I've heard that too. Gene says I look like a hurt deer and don't call me Bambi."

Throwing his hands up in mock surrender William said "Ok, ok I won't but the similarity is remarkable."

"Why don't you do something useful like getting me a piece of cake," Robert requested.

As the party finally came to an end and the last guests left, Gene wandered over to where Robert was sitting chatting with their dad. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

Groaning Robert complained "I just found a comfortable spot. I don't want to move."

"Too bad," Gene said grabbing his arm and helping him to his feet. "You need to see a doctor."

As they left William called after them to let him know what the doctor says. He felt somewhat guilty that he hadn't prevented the altercation from happening. With Jessica sulking in her room, someone had to act like an adult and take care of the baby, pay the bills and go to work. He tried to shake off the growing resentment he had that he was the one who always had to shoulder the responsibility. No matter the stress or anxiety, he never wanted his children to suffer. He never could wrap his mind over the fact that as much as Jessica like having children she never cared much for their actual welfare. She had always left that up to him, he had thought that maybe she was jealous that he had such a close relationship with all of them and he had tried to get her involved in their lives by directing them to her with problems. But the older they became the less she interacted with them. He's slowly come to realize that was her choice and he stopped trying to include her in their lives.

Shooing the kids off to bed and declining Evelyn's offer to help clean up, William spent the next couple of hours cleaning. He had so much excess energy from the growing anxiety he felt sweeping through him. He knew the aliens were coming, this time he knew they were back for him. His conversation with the aliens before they took Robert replayed itself in his head. They said they would be back for him and it was too soon for them to take Robert. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out he answered "Hello?"

"Hey dad, they just took Robert back for ex-rays."

"What's taking them so long? It's been over two hours."

"There was a three car pile up and they had to help the critically injured first. Don't worry Rob's ok."

"I wish he hadn't waited so long to go in." William sighed into the phone.

"Yeah I know but you know how stubborn he can be."

"I know. Let me know as soon as you know anything."

"Will do," Gene said smiling into the phone then said "love you Dad."

"Love you too son," William said disconnecting. Once he put his phone away he looked around his surroundings. 'When did he decide to walk outside?' He must have come outside while he was talking to Gene but he couldn't remember why or when. Shrugging he turned to make his way inside when he saw the familiar light surround him and the strange tingling sensation he always had as the aliens took him up into their space ship.



  1. I'm glad that Gene is getting help. As for the three car pile up, im a little sispicious. Why are the aliens going after William again? I thought their experiments on him were over.

    1. Gene decided that it was time to get some help. We'll see if he follows through.
      The aliens never said they were done with William, just that they would come back at another time for him. Well that time just happens to be now.

  2. Glad Robert and Gene are okay. I hope Gene feels better after he goes to rehab. *sigh* Poor William, LOL. Taking him away again. I wondered if the aliens made him go outside so they could take him.

    1. Gene decision is subject to change; especially since William was abducted by aliens again.
      Yep the aliens finally got around to taking him again like they said they would. The aliens have a way of getting their abductees to come outside so they can take them.
