Saturday, March 19, 2016

Gen 4 Heir Vote

Author's Note: It's that time again to decide who the heir should be. I've provided traits for all three choices and a little snippet/drabble of a scene that will occur in the future. Please vote for your favorite.

Indira Marie Bennett/Gray
Traits: Ambitious / Loner / Snob / Virtuoso / Lucky

"You really embarrassed me this evening," Indira spoke letting her disappointment come across in her voice as she stared at the man she thought would always have her back. "How could you do this to me? You knew how important this night was to me."

The man looked away sighing knowing that anything he might say or do would only make her angrier. He was so tired of always being wrong. If he wore a tie he should have known it was an informal dinner if he didn't wear a tie he should have known it was a formal dinner. When did he become a mind reader? When had they stopped communicating with each other? Where was the girl he fell in love with? Did she even exist anymore under the gloss and polish of corporate business. "I just don't know anymore..."

"What don't you know?" Indira demanded frustrated that he was more interested in the darkening night sky then in her. Didn't he find her pretty any more? Was she losing her looks now that she had achieved her business goals she pursued relentlessly for years giving up family ties, having children all to be the best? Did he embarrass her just to punish her for not wanting children?

"This" he waved his hands around to encompass the room, her "our marriage ... it's not working...."

Swallowing she adjusted her face so as not to show any emotion. Something she had learned years ago when dealing with temperamental customers. "What are you saying?" her voice came out brittle, angry. To be continued....

Andrew Malcom Bennett/Gray
Traits: Charasmatic / Dare Devil / Easily Impressed / Genius / Virtuoso

If only I'd just gone over when she called he thought for the millionth time. He could hear the fear in her voice but he had brushed it aside assuming it was just another ploy to get him to come back to her. How many times had she called him in the middle of the night for some imagined intruder breaking into her house? How was he supposed to know that this night the danger was real? The night he had finally decided he had enough. That he wouldn't come running no matter what she said.

He had gone to bed that night wondering why she hadn't called again. He knew her pattern well. She'd call crying that someone was breaking into her house. If that failed to get him running over to her she'd call again and again but not that night. Worry gnawed at his stomach until he reached for his phone and dialed her number. No answer. No response. She had never failed to answer his calls before. Had she suddenly taken the hint that he wasn't coming back? Had she decided that she had enough of rejection? No he thought throwing back the covers and turning the bedside light on. Something was wrong. He could feel it.

He remembered that night as if it happened yesterday instead of five horrible long years ago. Parking in her driveway he knew instantly something was wrong. Lights were on and yet she refused to answer his repeated calls. He went to knock on the door only to find it ajar. His pulse leaped into his throat as he entered the familiar house. The house he had lived in for a couple of years back when he thought he loved her. He called her name into the stillness of the house and stretched his ears listening for some kind of sound to let him know she was alright.  He remembered thinking it odd the kitchen was the only room in the house where the lights were off. He stumbled over something as he reached for the light switch. Flipping the switch flooding the room with light a scream rose to his lips and filled the room..... To be continued.

Emmaline Hope Bennett/Gray
Traits: Animal Lover / Absent Minded / Athletic / Easily Impressed / Friendly

"Why did you lie to me?" she asked the man standing in front of her barring her exit. 

"I didn't" he denied crossing his arms a smirk upon his lips.

"Liar," she hissed taking a step towards him "I'm not an idiot...."

The man snorted "really?" he asked unimpressed "if you weren't I wouldn't have been able to fool you for so long."

Blinking back the tears she could feel building behind her eyes she couldn't afford to show him any weakness. He was right. She was an idiot for believing he cared about her. He was only interested in her for being the daughter of the famous lead singer of Molten Lava. "So did you get all the dirt you wanted on my family?"

Snorting he shrugged "wouldn't you like to know?" 

The resounding sound of someone being slapped filled the room. Emmaline stared at her raised hand seeing it turn red from the force she used to slap the infuriating man. Her palm tingled and her eyes bulged from the shock of what she had done. She looked up in time to see the man rub his cheek where it had connected with her hand. His smirk was gone as well as his cocky self-assured attitude. He mumbled something as  he turned and ran from the house without a second glance. 
Emmaline stared after him unsure what to do or what to think. Had she really slapped him? Did he really say what she thought he did? He couldn't have she dismissed it as ludicrous. Even if he did say it he didn't mean it. He couldn't have. He was just a no good liar who she thought loved her. She fell to the floor sobbing.... To be continued.


  1. They all have such intriguing stories. Like I expected-- it's a difficult choice.

    1. It's a hard choice. I do have a favorite but I'll enjoy writing any of their stories. Thanks for reading and commenting!
