Monday, June 6, 2016

4.7 Moving On

Charlie stared at the picture Emmaline sent him. Andrew looked so happy smiling up at that guy beside him. Something twisted inside him clenching his stomach tight. Who was that guy? They were standing so close to each other. Was that his hand? Frowning Charlie made the picture larger. The image of that guys hand on Andrew's shoulder took his breath away.

He let the phone slide through his slack fingers to land face down on the carpeted floor. His knees felt weak as he slumped into a chair shaking. This was his fault. If he hadn't told Andrew to go on with his life this wouldn't be happening. He just .... didn't think that Andrew really would.

Tears dropped onto the backs of his hands unnoticed as his mind replayed the past. The time when he woke up beside Andrew in the same bed, his arms wrapped tight around him. A smile played across his lips as he remembered how he had pretended to be asleep knowing that Andrew wouldn't move for fear of waking him up. He had meant to tell Andrew then how he felt but he let the moment turn awkward. So much so that Andrew had asked his Aunt for a sleeping bag preferring to sleep on the floor then next to him in the bed.

After Charlie lost his dad he had tried not to cry but the tears came anyway. Andrew had heard him, offered his support by holding him the rest of the night. Shaking his head Charlie drew in a deep breath as memories bombarded him of what he did next. He pushed Andrew away. Destroyed the only good thing he had left. His hands curled into fists as he relived hitting his best friend, how he fell into the wall. He should have apologized. Andrew would have understood. Instead he ran and he hadn't stopped running yet.

Wiping his eyes dry on the backs of his hands Charlie sniffed looking around the familiar room. The apartment he had shared with his dad. He had to let go of the past. Uncle Jeff had been trying to tell him that since he ran here to hide. It was his safe zone. The only place he could still feel his dad's presence. There were so many things he still wanted to ask him. So many things he needed to know. Now he never would. His dad was gone. He'd never walk through the door again no matter how long he waited. He'd never feel his dad's strong arms holding him, reassuring him everything would be ok. He'd never hear his dad's deep voice or baritone laugh. It was time to let him go.

His dad would be the first one to tell him to go on with his life. It was time to move on. Time to live. He couldn't hide here forever. Picking up his phone he saw Andrew's smiling face staring up at him. Was it already too late? There was only way to find out, but was he ready to put himself out there?


Jogging down the road Indira's brow furrowed as her thoughts turned towards the conversation that happened several days ago. Everyone sided against her. Was she the only one who was concerned that Andrew was going down a path that would lead to a lifetime of ridicule? He wasn't strong enough for that. He needed a nice girl by his side nudging him in the right direction. Speaking of which, why hadn't Sheree returned her calls? She stopped to pull her phone out. No missed calls. No messages. The girl was definitely ignoring her.

Glaring at the unresponsive phone she was startled by a deep chuckle directly in front of her. "If looks could kill...."

"Are you following me?" she demanded recognizing the voice of the boy from her dorm. 

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, he smirked "you're not that entrancing."

She felt the familiar irritation she always felt upon encountering him. "Then why are you here?" she demanded.

Crossing his arms he leaned back into a tree that was lining the road. "It certainly wasn't to see your beautiful face."

Wait, what? Her scowl slipped as she looked up at him in surprise. "You think I'm beautiful?"

Shrugging he smirked at her "yeah until you open your mouth and shit comes out."

"Why I..." she made an inarticulate scream stomping her foot.

He turned mumbling "truth hurts."

Grabbing his arm to keep him from leaving she demanded "why are you here?"

"You're a broken record," he tugged his arm free "if you must know I'm here with my family. A family vacation. I was told there was a beach around here."

"There is but it's private," she told him.

"You have your own beach?" he asked unable to disguise his astonishment.

"Don't be ridiculous. The beach is owned by the horse ranch across the street." She laughed. It felt good to be able to shock him. "So are you ever going to tell me your name?"

"Maybe .... one day," he grinned at her "if you ask."

"I did ask" she put her hands on her slim hips frowning at him.

Shaking his head "no you asked if I ever would tell you my name." He turned and began to jog away from her.

She snapped her mouth shut as she realized she was standing there gaping at his retreating back. It was so rare that anyone ever stood up to her she was intrigued despite herself.


Emmaline was watching Andrew rummaging through his closet. Tossing one outfit after another as she shook head silently rejecting them. Sighing she said "we need to go shopping."

He stopped holding a couple of shirts frowning "what's wrong with the clothes I have?"

Shrugging she wrinkled her nose "they're ok if you're a hundred."

"Are you saying I dress like on old man?"

"Well..."she ducked as he threw the shirts at her "maybe an old business man. Who else wears suits anymore?" She giggled as Andrew pinned her down to tickle her.

"You just want an excuse to go shopping" he said letting her up.

"Maybe" she leaned into him "but I do want you to look your best for your date."

"First you want to dress me. Next you'll want to do my hair," he shook his head "what am I? A doll?"

"I never said anything about your hair" cocking her head to the side she gave him an appraising look "now that you mention it you could use a new look."

"No" he shook his head loosening a few strands from his bun.

"If you let me style your hair you don't have to go shopping" she told him reaching up to pull his hair free.

Jerking his head back he reached up to fix his hair "get your things. We're going shopping."

"I knew you could be reasoned with," she said skipping towards the door "I just need to grab my bag then I'll be ready to go."

"I've been had," he groaned slapping a hand to his head.


Turning from the mirror Andrew asked "do I look alright?"

Smiling from the bed where she watched her brother primp in front of the mirror. Emmaline sat up "turn around" she commanded twirling her finger around in a circle.

Feeling slightly foolish he did as was requested "well?" he asked "do I pass inspection?"

Getting of the bed she reached up and tugged on his bun "you really should let me style your hair..."

Slapping her hands away "I like me hair just the way it is."

"Leave it down" she told him as he reached up to secure it "Blake might want to run his fingers through it."

His hands stilled as he contemplated her words. Shaking his head he resumed tying his hair back. "Why do I let myself listen to you?"

"Because I know what I'm talking about," she replied with an impish grin "trust me. Guys like to run their fingers through long soft hair."

Giving her a strange look he asked "how do you know that?"

Shrugging she moved towards the door "I'm not as innocent as I look."

"Get back here and explain yourself," he demanded as she walked away laughing. He found her comment unsettling to say the least. She was much too young to know what guys liked. At fourteen she was light years ahead of him in the romance department. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though as Blake was due to arrive any minute.


Indira watched as her brother left on his date. She wanted to run after him and beg him not to do this. She nibbled on her bottom lip forcing herself to remain silent, motionless while her parents fell over themselves to be nice to this Blake person. What was wrong with these people?

Groaning she ran from the room refusing to acknowledge anyone once her brother and Blake left. She said all she was going to on the subject. If her brother wanted to ruin his life then that was on him. She did all she could to dissuade him from following this path. Her parents were just as bad if not worse than him. Not one of them could see what a dangerous path he was on full of ridicule for himself and anyone associated with him. As much as it pained her she would just have to distance herself from her family. She had great things planned for herself and she couldn't afford to let anyone or anything get in her way.

She felt her parents disapproving glances as she went past them. Please she silently begged don't let her mom follow her. She didn't want another lecture about being tolerant and understanding. She was so past what they thought anyway. She would be nineteen next month. Old enough to be her own person and she didn't need an old has been rock star or his paranormal fanatic wife trying to change her mind. There was nothing she could learn from them. All they could do now is hinder her from accomplishing the things she wanted. A gay brother was the least of her worries but one she thought she could control. She threw open her bedroom door muttering to herself.

There was only one thing left to do. She had to cut off all ties with the family that had begun to feel like a mill stone around her neck. She wiped a few tears from her eyes as she began to pack. She spared little room for keepsakes or pictures. What good were those things when she didn't plan on coming back? She knew in a remote part of her brain that what she was doing would devastate her parents but what choice did she have? If she stayed they would destroy all of her dreams by just being them. Always weighing her down keeping her from what she wanted. Striking out on her own she could reinvent herself unhindered from her past and family.

When she was ready she could always come back. Once she had accomplished everything she wanted. Once she was successful it wouldn't matter who her parents were or what sexual orientation her brother was. She'd be able to deal with it then but first she had to get there. Looking around her room nodding with finality mumbling to herself "this is for the best."


"You look good" Blake complimented Andrew as they sat down at the table.

"Thank you" Andrew looked down fiddling with his napkin. He could feel the heat in his cheeks rising. A waitress approached them saving him from having to say more.

"What's your best wine?" Blake asked the waitress. Andrew glanced up about to interrupt them when the waitress turned and walked away.

"I'm not old enough to drink yet," he mumbled just loud enough for his companion to hear him.

Shrugging Blake said "she didn't card you so you're in the clear." 

His casual dismal of her error bothered Andrew. He had never done anything illegal before "I..." he fell silent as the waitress returned to pour the wine. He should say something but his tongue felt like it was glued to the roof of his mouth. He turned his eyes towards Blake silently pleading with him to do something.

Shaking his head Blake's lips twitched as he winked at Andrew increasing his discomfort. Blake proceeded to place their order without inquiring what Andrew wanted. Embarrassed Andrew remained silent as the waitress gathered their menus and walked away. He sat back letting his anger wash through him replacing his embarrassment and discomfort. "What?" Blake asked "you don't have to drink it if you don't want to." He reached across the table to take Andrew's glass away.

Andrew's hand shot forward as if it had a mind of it's own and lifted the wine glass before Blake could remove it. "I'm not a child" he mumbled glaring over the rim of the glass at him. He took a large gulp and barely kept from spewing it over everything. It was like drinking liquid cotton balls, it left his mouth with a dry parched feeling.

Watching him with interest Blake took a sip of his own wine "it's a very good dry wine." He smiled "you'll love the entree. This restaurant has the best steak in town."

Andrew opened his mouth to explain that he didn't eat red meat when he was distracted by a sight he never expected to see again. Despite his best efforts his eyes followed the man walking towards them. "What is he doing here?" he gasped under his breath.


Charlie checked into the hotel and walked across the street to the restaurant. It had been a long tiring day of making one flight connection after another with no time between to grab a bite to eat. He stopped just outside the restaurant door taking in his surroundings. He had no idea what he was going to do. At least he was here. He tried not to think too far in advance but an inner voice kept asking him what he would do if Andrew didn't want to see him. What if he had blew his shot and this was all a waste of time?

He walked into the busy restaurant waiting his turn to be seated. His stomach growled loudly causing several nearby individuals to snicker and turn their heads to look at him. Maybe he should just leave. Find a fast food joint that would give his stomach fits for the rest of the night. Before he could make up his mind his name was called.

He got up to follow the hostess to his table. He nearly bumped into her when she stopped in front of him. He had let his eyes wander to look at the other patrons in the restaurant. The man of his dreams was sitting at a table almost directly across from the table the hostess had brought him to. Absently Charlie sat down taking the menu and using it as a blind to hide behind.

While he pretended to read the menu he kept glancing over at Andrew and his good looking date. His brow creased in concern as he watched Andrew sipping wine. Since when had he taken up drinking? He looked around the busy restaurant wondering how he had managed to get served alcohol. Averting his eyes to the menu he wondered if he dared turn him in.

Deciding against it he continued to pretend to be engrossed in his menu while he watched the couple. He didn't like the guy Andrew was with. He was too suave. Too smooth. Who was he kidding? The guy would be too anything. He just didn't like the guy because he was where he wanted to be. What was he going to do now?


Drew walked into Indira's room "what's this?" she asked upon seeing her suitcases out.

Rolling her eyes "what does it look like?" she snapped at her mom.

"You're packing...but why?" Drew asked her eyes large with confusion.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner," Indira announced moving towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Drew asked her following her into the hallway.

"Anywhere but here," Indira told her not bothering to give her mom an explanation.

"You can't be going back to school. The term doesn't even start until the fall." Drew blinked back tears as she watched her daughter struggle with multiple bags at once. In too much of a hurry to be gone to take the time to make more than one trip.

"I'm going to stay with a friend until school starts," Indira informed her.

"But .... you just got here," Drew protested.

"Well it's refreshing that you have a firm grasp on reality," Indira turned to glare at her "it's not like I'm wanted here. None of you appreciate my opinions ...."

"That doesn't mean we don't want you here," Drew told her desperate to keep her daughter here a little longer.

"Oh grow up mother. I know you don't understand anything about me. Maybe if you and dad had grown up jobs you'd know how the real world works." Indira turned intent on leaving when she gasped finding Caleb standing in front of her.

"Don't talk to your mother like that," he told her crossing his arms and frowning at her. His eyes held a hot boiling anger in them. 

"I'm..." Indira swallowed suddenly unsure of herself in the face of her fathers anger "I'm tired of always having to walk on egg shells around here. I'm never able to voice my opinions without someone taking offense." She moved towards the door.

"Indira please," Drew cried out to her.

The heart wrenching cry almost had her rethinking her actions until she heard her dad talking behind her. "Let her go Drew. If this is what she wants we can't stop her."

"I know," Drew sobbed "but she's so young..."

Whirling to face her parents "I'm not a child," she shouted "I'm an adult with my own opinions. I'm leaving and you can't stop me." She half expected them to try. She half wanted them to try just so she'd have an excuse not to do what she planned. It hurt to hear her mother's sobs as she opened the door. It hurt to hear her dad trying to comfort her. It hurt above everything else that no one came after her. that hurt fueled her anger as she got into the taxi that was waiting for her.


Emmaline stood hidden, silently observing as her sister tore her parents hearts out. Good riddance she thought as Indira stormed from the house. They didn't need her chock a block archaic opinions on things. It was bad enough that the year she and Andrew were away at school she had all but destroyed his self-confidence. Now she was making her parents feel like failures. Why couldn't she accept them for the wonderful people they were? Why did she feel the need to change them to fit some stupid mold of what she thought was acceptable?

Hearing her mom sobbing Emmaline moved unobtrusively to another room wishing she had done something to help. Maybe she should have tried to stop Indira from leaving or tried to defend her parents in some way. Sighing she sank onto the couch feeling awful. After a moment she pulled out her phone sending a text to the only person she knew would drop everything to help her.


Pushing the rare steak around his plate Andrew was thankful for the distraction answering his text afforded him. Frowning he looked up at Blake saying "I need to go home."

"I'm not done eating yet," Blake informed him around a huge bite of red meat.

"It's an emergency..."

"So" he continued to chew ignoring Andrew's attempts to get him to take him home.

Growing impatient Andrew flagged down the waitress "can we get a couple of to-go boxes?"

Frowning Blake said "I told you we're not going yet."

"What part of emergency don't you understand?" Andrew asked his voice rising causing several nearby people to turn in their direction.

"Don't be so melodramatic. I said we'll go when I'm ready," Blake told him sitting back in his chair crossing his legs and arms.

Andrew's eyes narrowed as he thought about his options. He refused to let Blake dictate anymore of the evening then he already had, not when it came to his family. Nodding he tossed his napkin onto his plate as he pushed his chair back. He got to his feet striding over to where Charlie sat pretending to be engrossed in his food. "I need a favor."

Looking up Charlie nodded tossing enough money on the table to cover the bill and tip. As they moved towards the door he said "my rental is at the hotel."


  1. Well, Indira has outdone herself. But I think this might be good for her in the long run: if she sees what goes on in life without her parents nearby, she might learn to appreciate them more.
    Tripple yikes about Blake. The first red flag was when get got alcohol for an underage person on the first date. But, wow, Andrew has some patience. If I were now in his shoes, Blake would've now been sitting there covered head to toe in his wonderful wine, with the steak stuffed down his shirt. Just saying ;)

    1. Indira never ceases to amaze me. What happened to the sweet little girl she used to be? I hope you're right about her learning something when she's on her own because right now she needs a wake up call.
      You made me laugh. All I could imagine is Blake sitting there with his hair dripping with his expensive wine and steak sticking out of his shirt lol Andrew wasn't so much patient as not wanting to make a scene in front of so many people. He's already nervous having just come out as gay on his first date with another guy plus everyone knows him having grown up in Sunlit Tides. He also needs to learn to stick up for himself. Something he might learn to do now that he's no longer in his sister's shadow.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Blake is so demanding, he'd eat Andrew alive. I'm intrigued by Indira, I'll admit. But she's so overdramatic. Good thing Charlie was at the restaurant!

    1. Blake is a bit controlling. Andrew is such a sweetie he really didn't know how to cope with Blake. It was definitely a side he didn't see that day at the beach.
      Indira as much as she frustrates she has her good points. She is a drama queen. I found it interesting that when she graduated she was voted most likely to become a millionaire. She does have a materialistic mindset about her.
      You'll see next chapter what a good thing Charlie's being there is ;) But Andrew knew him well enough that he wouldn't question his request. Thanks for reading and commenting!
