Thursday, May 19, 2016

4.5 Shattered

Drew dropped her husband's arm upon sight of her son's bruised and battered face. Rushing to him, she dropped to her knees in front of the chair he was sitting in, towards the front of the funeral home. "What happened?" she demanded putting her fingers to his face inspecting the damage that was done.

"Mom please," Andrew pleaded "not now. Not here."

"Honey leave the boy alone," Caleb said coming along side his family. It hurt to see his son like this but he of all people understood the anguish that could cause someone to lash out with their fists. He remembered all too well wanting something or someone to hit after losing Star. The helpless powerless feeling after losing his parents. Even knowing they had lived long fulfilling lives it still hurt.

Shaking Drew nodded taking Caleb's hand looking around the crowded room. She caught sight of the monster who had used her son's face as his personal punching bag. Her heart lurched with sympathy for the boy. He looked so young, so lost. He was a little older then Jennifer had been when their parents had been killed, ripped from their lives forever. She wanted to be angry at him for hurting her little boy, but how could she?

Without conscious effort or thought she found herself walking towards the boy. She saw Jeff standing beside the boy no doubt providing needed support and a shoulder to cry on. She didn't know what she wanted to say or what she intended to do. She just pulled the poor boy into her arms squeezing him tight. When she released him they both had tears in their eyes "I'm sorry Charlie. If you need anything, anything at all let us know."

Numbly Charlie nodded unable to formulate coherent thought to speak. His eyes searched out Andrew sitting alone. A small sound of despair escaped his lips. He looked up when he felt a strong hand on his shoulder "talk to him," Caleb told him nodding towards his son.

Charlie looked into the kind gray eyes of the father of the man he adored and recoiled. He couldn't just talk to him like nothing had happened. He took his pain out on him. He hit him. It was irreversible. It was unforgivable. His eyes strayed towards Andrew "I...I...can't," he mumbled almost to himself.

Caleb look towards Jeff who shrugged saying "I've tried but I can't get through to either one of them."

Charlie knew they were talking about him but their words rolled around him creating a sort of peaceful den around him. He looked down when someone took his hand and tugged on it. He found Drew urging him to follow her. It became obvious where her destination was as they approached Andrew. What choice did he have but to follow? He couldn't very well refuse. Not when she was holding his hand. He looked behind him half pleading for his Uncle Jeff to come to his rescue. He swallowed hard when they stopped in front of Andrew.

Drew looked from one boy to the other "talk" she commanded them to their combined astonishment.


They eyed each other in uncomfortable silence that quickly became awkward. "Sit," Andrew muttered in a flat deflated tone.

Charlie looked towards Jeff where Drew and Caleb stood talking to him. They all nodded at him in an attempt to encourage him. He glanced towards the casket where his father lay in silent repose. Inside his head he heard his dad's voice telling him to talk to Andrew. Sighing he took the seat next to his friend "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Andrew asked still in the same monotone voice.

"For hitting you," Charlie looked up wishing he could get Andrew to look at him like use to "I never meant to hurt you."

"My face begs to differ," Andrew said his voice a little more animated "it's not that you hit me it's...." his voice failed him as he found himself in a dark hole with no way out.

"I know," Charlie's voice hitched "I became what you fear most. I never wanted to hurt you like that."

"I know," Andrew looked up at Charlie tears swimming in his eyes "where do we go from here?" He reached for Charlie's hand "please tell me you feel the same for me that I feel for you."

Charlie looked into Andrews grey eyes and saw love shining back at him. It was the look he adored. The look he hoped to see again. It was the moment he had waited for since he was fifteen years old. It was ... "Andy I can't," he couldn't believe the words spewing from his mouth. He let Andrew pull his hand away "I'm sorry I just can't."

"Why?" Andrew choked "I thought....I'm such an idiot." He moved to get up. He felt Charlie reach for him and for a moment his heart leaped with hope. Charlie would retract his words, tell him this was all a bad joke.

"Andy you need to go back to college. Forget about me. I'm...I'm no good for you." With that Charlie got up and strode quickly away without looking back. It was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. It was the only thing he could do.


"He broke your heart, didn't he?" Indira fumed pacing the floor in front of Andrew's bed "I knew this was going to happen...."

"Indy please," Andrew pleaded "I misread things. It was me not him." It had only been two days since Zayne's funeral but it seemed like a lifetime ago. After the funeral Andrew had insisted on leaving, going back to school. His parents had suggested he come home for a few days but he didn't want to be babied. He wanted someone to yell at him. He wanted his twin. Indira for all her faults was his best friend. He could count on her when he didn't have anyone else.

"Andrew you're too good for him," she stopped her futile pacing "you should be upset screaming and yelling instead of taking the blame. He doesn't know what he's missing out on."

"I'm afraid he does," Andrew mumbled "and he didn't want it."

"Don't say that," Indira sat on the bed beside him "your wonderful and one day you're going to find someone who appreciates you."

"You think?"

"I know so" she leaned into him in companionable silence.

"What if the person I meet is a guy?" Andrew asked more curious then anything else.

"Andy you're not gay. You just have an unfortunate attraction to your best friend. Once you've had time to recover from your heartbreak you'll see I'm right." She looked into his eyes "you're not strong enough to be gay."

"I don't think strength has anything to do with it. You either are or you aren't."

"Well you're not," she said with renewed firmness "besides you have Sheree."

"What about her?" Andrew asked not following her line of thought.

"She's pretty and you're girlfriend. Remember? You've been dating her for a couple of months." Indira said watching him closely. When he still didn't react she continued "you're not gay when you have a girlfriend."

He looked at her unconvinced but elected to keep his mouth shut. He knew the difference between what he felt for Charlie and what he felt for Sheree. If he were straight he'd be far more attracted to Sheree then he was to Charlie. What difference did it make? Charlie didn't want him. "Maybe you're right," he said grudgingly.

"Good" she said jumping to her feet "we'll have no more talk about Charlie or being gay."

Andrew nodded watching her skip to the door. She half turned as she opened the door "don't worry Andy everything is going to be ok."


After leaving Andrews room Indira couldn't help the smug self-satisfied smile that spread across her face. "I take it you convinced your brother he's not gay."

"He's not," she glared at the purple haired boy standing a few feet away "sorry to disappoint you but you'll have to wait for Charlie to come back if your looking for your kind."

The boy's eyes narrowed in distaste. Crossing his arms he leaned against the wall behind him "let me tell you something little miss snob whatever my sexual orientation is it's none of your business." He nodded towards the closed door leading into Andrew's room "one day your brother is going to realize it too. You should be helping him come to terms with who he is not confusing him more."

"I'm not in the habit of repeating myself" she took a step forward "listen carefully. My brother is not gay." She spoke slowly enunciating carefully wanting to be sure he understood her words. 

To her surprise the boy laughed "you're deluding yourself. Your brother and Charlie belong together. Everyone can see it but you."

"Why do you care anyway?" she demanded.

Shrugging the boy straightened to his full height "one day your going to regret what you're doing to your brother."

"I'm making sure he doesn't get hurt," she snapped at him "I don't need you telling me what I shouldn't do." She took a couple of steps away.

Pushing off the wall the boy followed her "I fully intend on being there when you finally learn your lesson."

"Oh really," she crossed her arms glaring at him "how do you plan on managing that?"

He just smiled and walked away. He knew that would infuriate her more than anything he could say. 
He was halfway down the staircase when Indira came bounding them towards him demanding "I asked you a question."

Once they were at the bottom of the stairs he stopped "a little mystery always make the girls go wild." With that he walked purposefully away humming a haunting tune. 

Indira watched him go. Intrigued more than she cared to admit. She wanted, no she needed to know more about him. No one challenges her the way he did. First thing she need to do was find out more about him because she didn't even know his name.


Three months later Andrew came back from class to find his Uncle packing up Charlies things. "He's not coming back is he?"

Looking up Jeff shook his head "no I'm sorry."

"Is he alright?" Andrew asked "he won't return my calls or texts..."

Jeff sat heavily on the floor in the middle of boxes "I wish I could say yes but .... he's depressed. I don't know how to reach him."

"I don't suppose..." Andrew sighed flopping on his bed.

"Andy give him time," Jeff said glancing over at the young man. To Jeff he looked as depressed and lifeless as the boy he had left at home.

"Do you need any help?" Andrew asked sitting up.

They both looked up when the door opened behind them. A hesitant green eyed girl stuck her head in "Andrew were you still planning on..." looking at Jeff she stammered "Oh I'm terribly sorry I didn't know." She stepped back closing the door.

"Sheree, it's ok," Andrew said jumping to his feet "this is my Uncle Jeff."

Sheree came back into the room "I'm so sorry for your loss" she said holding her petite hand out to him.

Taking her hand Jeff smiled slightly at the girl "thank you."

Turning to Andrew she said "I'll come back later."

"If you guys have plans don't worry about me. I can manage on my own." Jeff told them observing them keenly.

"Are you sure?" Sheree asked looking at him with doubt.

"I'm sure," Jeff confirmed with a smile "don't worry about me."

"Will you tell Charlie how sorry I am about his dad? I know how close they were." Her green eyes misted over for a moment as she finished speaking. Turning she kissed Andrew's cheek "I'll be right outside when you're ready."


"She's nice," Jeff said when the door closed behind her "your girlfriend" a statement more than a question.

Andrew stared at his Uncle like a deer caught in headlights. "Um uh yeah" he stammered unable to formulate an intelligent response.

Jeff looked at his hands for a moment sighing "Andy I know it's not my place to say anything but have you given any thought how this will effect Charlie?"

Andrew felt the surge of an unaccustomed feeling sweep through him. He so seldom became angry he didn't recognize it "what about him?" he demanded his words cold "he rejected me. I moved on. I'm sorry but that's how it is."

Are you sure about that?" Jeff asked keeping his voice calm not wanting to anger his nephew any more than was necessary. "Sheree is a pretty girl but I don't see the same connection with her that you have with Charlie. Charlie loves you. He just won't let himself admit it. I know he does."

"I'm not gay," Andrew objected repeating what Indira had been telling him all along. Maybe if he said it enough he'd believe it. He turned and strode from the room slamming the door shut behind him.

Jeff shook his head muttering to himself "yes you are, whether you want to believe it or not."


Andrew lay still on the beach towel soaking in the last of the sun's rays. It felt good on his bare skin. He couldn't believe the school year was almost over. Two more days and he'd be home. Loud voices drifted on the air to his ears. Lifting his head he heard Sheree's voice raised higher than usual. Frowning he watched as an older bald man tried to grab her arm.

Jumping to his feet he ran over to her "who are you?" he demanded of the stranger. Both jumped at the sound of his voice. The old man grimaced pointing a think accusing finger towards Sheree's face 
"I'll be back."

"Don't bother," she told him "I've already given you my answer."

The smile that spread across the man's face was even more sinister then his grimace. "We'll see about that" he glared at Andrew as if making a point then turned and strode purposefully away.

"Who was that guy?" Andrew asked again.

"No one important," Sheree told him a slight quiver in her voice.

"You're shaking," he said pulling her close "tell me."

"He's my grandfather" she said her voice shaking "he wants me to do something..."

"What?" Andrew asked running his hands through her soft colorful hair.

"It doesn't matter," she told him smiling up into his gentle grey eyes "I'm not going to do it. End of 

Something inside him told him the old man was trouble. That he shouldn't let her dismiss it so easily. Despite his misgivings he let her persuade him to drop the subject. "Will you come to Sunlit Tides and meet my family?" he asked instead.

She reached up to caress his face "Andrew wouldn't that give them the wrong impression?"

His brow furrowed "you're my girlfriend don't you want to meet my family?"

"Oh Andrew," her voice cracked as she looked away.

"Don't you like me?" he asked blinking back hot angry tears. He couldn't believe this was happening again.

The pain in his eyes hurt more then any angry words could have done "I do like you but what about Charlie?"

"What about him?" he snapped "he hasn't talked to me in months." 

"Go to him," she reached out to comfort him "I'm sorry" she mumbled when he flinched from her 


  1. When your girlfriend tells you to go back to your best friend you know you're gay. Andrew needs to open his eyes and stop listening to Indira. I don't know who that guy is with the purple hair butbe seems like he can put her in her place. Kyle's dad is everywhere. He's definitely trouble.

    1. Hopefully he'll listen. Right now he's miserable. He's in love with Charlie and he had hoped that Charlie would tell him he shared the same feelings. It was bad timing and Charlie is in a bad place right now. So Andrew feels very much rejected and willing to let Indira convince him he's not gay because he thinks that'll make him feel better. He's all kinds of confused and running from himself right now.
      Indira thinks she's helping but all she's doing is making it worse. The purple haired guy. He's another Van Winkle character. He's going to become very important to Indira whether she wants him to be or not. Right now he's a mystery to her. We'll find out more about him as Indira does.
      Kyle's dad is obsessed and has limited time to accomplish his goals. Plus he's working for unsavory characters so if anything he's more dangerous now than he ever was.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Maybe Indira should be introduced to Lawrence Sr. That would give her first-hand experience to see what she's turning herself into. Sheree really is a sweetheart.

    1. Indira isn't that bad is she? She really does care for her brother. She's just going about it in the wrong way. She is determined to meet her goals and she does see her brother being gay as an obstacle to her reaching her goals. Who knows maybe the purple haired boy will help her realize what she's doing? Sheree is a sweetheart and even if Andrew refuses to acknowledge who he is she knows. She has seen it since she met them maybe that's because her parents are gay. She'll make a good friend. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Listen, who cares if you're gay or not? You like your best friend. The end. Maybe you never find another guy attractive. It happens. All that matters is that you have feelings for him.

    Now that that's said. He doesn't fricking deserve you!!! Really? He left?! Pssht!!!

    And I have no words for Indira. All I know is she better stop trying to ram her truth down other people's throats.

    1. Couldn't have said it any better but unfortunately he's going to have to figure that out on his own.

      To be fair Charlie did just lose his dad. He's not thinking clearly. Maybe if the timing was better. But we'll see they're both young and have a lot of things to learn.

      I totally agree but she does love her twin. She doesn't see what she's doing as wrong or even hypocritical. After all she has uncles who are gay and her roommate Sheree has gay parents. It's ok for them but not for her brother. Plus she's way too concerned with what people might think and how it'll effect her.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!
