It was soon Robert and Evelyn's birthday. Both were excited about turning eighteen, their futures appeared bright as they made preparation to attend college. William was a little sad watching them grow into young independent adults. He wished them every happiness and success along whatever path they chose to follow. He knew it would not be easy for them to lead normal productive lives. He was glad they were sticking together and would have each other to rely on as they entered college.
Jessica was also excited for them but if she was honest with herself it was for the thought they would be moving away to college. Seeing them everyday brought up too many memories she wanted to forget. She was overwhelmed with distrust, seeing them as being connected to the aliens and would forever hold a threat to her family. They were beyond her ability to reach and she hoped out of her sight and mind as well.
A few months later they attended the graduation ceremony. William was so proud of his as listened to Roberts speech as the class valedictorian. It had been difficult for Robert to make up the work he had missed during his abduction but with a lot of work and determination he pulled it off. The class also voted him most likely to never leave home. This was partly do to his shy nature and his repeated refusal to attend any of his classmates parties. He had never been comfortable being in the limelight and since he had been abducted he was in high demand as a party guest. Everyone wanted to ask him questions about the aliens and he just wanted to forget it ever happened.
Evelyn was voted most likely to take over the world. No doubt referring to her being an alien and that's what aliens do, take over the world. Evelyn had gotten used to being different and the experiences she endured during the abduction scare helped her develop a resilient attitude where she no longer needed the approval of her peers. Charlie had dumped her when she needed a friend the most and that hurt worse than watching her other friends desert her. She knew when Robert returned to school he would be the object of morbid curiosity.
She made it her responsibility to keep a watchful eye out for Robert. She knew all the unwanted attention unnerved him and would rather everyone just left him alone. She would just march into any mob of students and take Robert by the hand and pull him out. No one ever tried to stop her, no doubt afraid she had some strange alien ability that she would use against them. If she had any such abilities she would use them in order to protect her brother.
Once all the festivities were done for the night the family gathered to take family pictures. William had one made and framed and gave both Evelyn and Robert a copy to take with them. William was proud of his children and all of their accomplishments. He couldn't wait to see where their lives would lead them.
They arrived a the dorm early to get settled in and unpacked. They had mixed feelings as they said goodbye to their Dad. Robert hoped he'd be accepted as just another student and not as the guy who was abducted by aliens. It seemed that his life so far had been one crises after another, warranting all kinds of unwanted attention. He wasn't cut out to be a celebrity and much preferred to be left alone.
Evelyn hoped she'd meet someone who would look beyond her appearance. She was used to being the center of attention just because of how she looked and it all seemed so shallow. She wanted to meet someone who would look beyond the surface and take the time to get to know her as a person.
"Well now if it isn't the Green Meanie," a familiar voice said.
"It's good to see you too. How's the family?"
"Good for the most part. I'm sure you read all about the abduction."
"Yeah you could hardly avoid it. How's he doing?" Shon asked nodding his head towards Robert.
"Better then expected really. He gets really nervous surrounded by people he doesn't know. You know how shy he is."
"Painfully shy if I remember right. I guess we'll have to keep a watchful eye out for him." Shon suggested still looking towards Robert, "although it looks like he may have found himself a guardian angel."
Turning to look Evelyn noticed Robert was deep in conversation with the girl he had been staring at earlier. "Who is she?"
"Don't you recognize her?" Shon asked surprised "that's Patricia Bradford, you know, his old girlfriend from Aurora Skies." Smirking a little he continued "looks like the old sparks still there."
"Patricia?" Robert asked astonished hardly believing his eyes.
The girl stopped staring at the boy who said her name. A smiled spread across her face as she recognized him. "Rob is that really you?"
"In the flesh," Robert quipped. "What's wrong?" he asked as she continued to stare.
Shaking her head she said "Nothing. Just making sure you don't have a drink in your hand that you could spill on me."
"I could get one, if you like." They both laughed as they remembered how they first met. "At least this time you'd be able to change, unless this isn't your dorm."
"It is," she confirmed smiling looking forward to seeing him everyday. If felt good to talk to someone who knew her and not someone just out to impress her or someone wanting to get close to her to get information about her or her family.
Glancing at his watch Robert said "It's about time to go to the Freshman meet and greet. Would you like to walk over together."
"Sure I'd like that," they left the Dorm together walking slowly to the student union building, deep in conversation. Upon arriving they stood in line for the schedules discussing their major as they waited. They were surprised that they were both majoring in fine arts and would no doubt of several of the same classes.
"We can study together," Robert suggested then amended "that is if you want to."
"I think that would be a wonderful idea," Patricia said smiling up at Robert.
Looking over her schedule comparing it to his, Robert said "you have a few other classes than I do."
"Yeah that's my Mom's idea. She insisted I have a fall back plan just in case I don't make it as an artist. So I'm taking some classes in education."
"Then you could be an art teacher," Robert joked. "I'm taking a few business courses to be able to manage the business side of things."
They continued to talk as they climbed the stairs. Seeing the ping pong table Patricia asked "Would you like to play?"
"Um," Robert hesitated blushing as he looked at Patricia afraid she would think he was an idiot. "I don't know how, I've never played before."
"There's nothing to it. I'll show you," Patricia smiled setting his concern to rest. He played a round until someone else wanted to play the winner, which as expected was Patricia. While Patricia was playing Robert found himself alone in front of an easel and began to paint while he waited for the game to be done.
Evelyn and Shon had followed them to the Student Union building.
"What are you majoring in?" Evelyn asked.
"Criminal justice and you?"
"Technology," Evelyn said quietly.
"Cool you can make my super hero gadgets so's I can catch the bad guys," Shon said laughing.
"Oh I could probably whip up a gadget or two," Evelyn smiled trying not to think about how dangerous law enforcement could be. She'd hate for anything bad to happen to him.
They continued to talk catching up on old times. Neither noticed the lapses in conversation as each got caught up in their own thoughts. Looking at her Shon couldn't help but see how beautiful she had become. He wondered how it would feel to run his hands along her soft, supple skin and to kiss her lips. Shaking his head telling himself how wrong it was to be having those thoughts about Sydney's little sister.
Evelyn stood there thinking how easily it would be to become lost in his eyes. They were the most amazing shade of blue, she could gaze into them forever. If only he would look at her the way she remembered him looking at her sister.
Why do you do this to me? It gets more and more intriguing every chapter. Im seriously happy Shon is back because I love him lol. Hes so handsome now *_* I see he outgrew his accent though lol. I love the twist with Evelyn and I dont know how id deal with it myself so im excited to see what you do with it.
ReplyDeleteI had every intention of bringing Shon back. Just look at his baby blue eyes, I just had to bring him back to a I could stare into his eyes. Seriously love his eyes! :) I tried to hint that Evie had feelings for him in previous chapters. In game when he showed up at their party I kept getting notices that he was attracted to both Sydney and Evelyn, so I could have gone either way at the beginning. So I knew the hearts would be flying when they were re-united in college.
DeleteI was afraid I was going to get his voice wrong. I meant to go back and re-read that portion of the story before I published the chapter. Obviously I forgot. But it still works though as it does highlight how much he's grown up and changed since they last saw each other. Half the reason he spoke the way he did was to keep people at a distance but with the Bennet's he's always felt comfortable with them; especially since they stayed with him and his gramma when Casey and Robert were in the hospital.
Evelyn was deeply affected by how people treated her since the last alien abduction. Shon is going to help her get her confidence back and stop being over protective of her brother.
Awww, looks like there's sparks between Shon and Evelyn. T_T How adorable. LOL, it makes me think of Sydney. I think it would be so cute if they got together, they could remember Sydney together.. XD
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Robert saw Patricia again, I think he needs some comfort in his life, and she seems to be nice for him. I hope now that they are at college they can sort of start over with their lives and make some new paths instead of being haunted by all that alien stuff that threatened to ruin them.
Evelyn and Shon would be good together but there's a few issues Shon has to work out first.
DeletePatricia will be good for Robert but she has a few secrets of her own.
College will hopefully be a changing point for all of them.