Monday, February 27, 2017

4.26 Success or Not


Indira stood clearly dismissed and being shown the door. If she heard "we'll call you" one more time she'd scream. Her GPA was impressive. Her resume was full of prestigious letters of recommendations from her professors. Yet all of these so called advantages she was unable to obtain a simple job at any of her preferred elite businesses. She had heard the same excuses ad nauseam. Too educated. Too inexperienced. Too young. Her favorite 'we have a position open in the mail room.' That was an insult to her well educated self. Her vanity recoiled at the thought. She stood on the street looking up at the towering building she had just exited. Was working in the mail room worse then going home a failure?
She couldn't imagine anything less dignified then working in the mail room. Even going home jobless was better then that. It had only been a few months since graduation. She couldn't expect to land her dream job just yet. She wasn't to the point of needing to accept a position so beneath he credentials.
Turning from the impressive building Indira nodded to herself. It was time to go home. She hadn't been home for over two years. It was time to make an appearance. If only she could go back a success.

A young purple haired male watched from within the building she just exited. A tight lipped grimace played across his face. Glancing at the time he knew he didn't have time to go talk to he. His break was over and he had a pile of work to wade through before going home. Briefly he wondered if dared risk his manager's ire by being late. Shaking his head he decided not to chance it.
Entering the elevator he couldn't keep his mind from wondering what she was doing here. Had she come for an interview? Had she gotten a position here? He took a deep breath as his heart rate sped up. It had been two going on three years since he had last seen he. She still looked as beautiful as ever.
"Mr Scott my office now" his manager said as he settled at his desk.
"Yes ma'am" he murmured as he stood up following her into her office. He could feel all his co-workers curious eyes focused on him. Some looked away with pity no doubt wondering what infringement of the rules he had made to be dismissed in such a formal way. Swallowing had he closed the door with a dull thud before turning to face the manager.
"Have a seat Mr Scott" she indicated one of the uncomfortable chairs in front of her massive desk. She stood facing away from the panoramic view of the city.
He sat on the edge of his chair poised to spring into action if need be. The silence between them grew oppressive. He squirmed in his seat like a naughty little boy in the principles office. If she were going to fire him why didn't she just get it over with?

Turning from the window hands folded in front of her "you're doing an impressive job," she began her voice cold as if compliments did not sit well in her mouth. "However it's not getting done fast enough."
His heart beat uncomfortably fast in his chest. He needed this job. He had someone depending on him to keep this job. "I'll work harder. I'll stay late. I'll do whatever it takes to get it done faster."
"That's not good enough" her voice wasn't unkind exactly just cold. She gave him an impassive gaze she said "I've decided to hire someone to assist you. She comes highly recommended. Perhaps you know her" she paused walking around her imposing desk. "Indira Bennett. Her resume is impressive despite it's lack of job experience."
His breath caught in his throat at the mention of the girls name. He looked up finding his managers steely gaze upon him waiting or a response from him. "Yes I know her. We roomed together for two years at university."
A slight frown creased the imposing woman's brow "will you be able to work with her without violating our no fraternization clause among employees?"
"That won't be a problem" Randy assured her with a confident nod.

Indira frowned as the excited toddler started clapping his hands and screaming "daddy daddy" at the top of his lungs. He smiled pointing towards the door "daddy home."
Lifting her eyes she spared the toddler a small irritated nod before dropping her eyes back to the book she was attempting to read. The room filled with loud giggles as Andrew was tackled by his young son around the knees. "I'm going to get you" Andrew said to the obvious delight of his son who giggled as Andrew tickled him. "Did you miss me?" Andrew asked giving the toddler a kiss on the cheek.
"Yes" the boy cooed leaning his head on Andrew's shoulder "missed you."
Walking into the living where his sister sat staring at a book he said "thank you for watching Gabriel today."
She lifted her light green eyes mumbling "you're welcome" before letting them drop back to the book.
"I hope he wasn't any trouble" Andrew said attempting to generate a conversation with his sister.
Putting a finger inside the book to mark her spot she let out an exaggerated sigh "you could train your son to be quiet on command."
"He's a toddler not a puppy" Andrew rolled his eyes "he doesn't know how to be quiet."

"Precisely why he needs to be trained" Indira gave him a cold hard stare. The one that said she knew what she was talking about and he should listen to her.
"Daddy" Gabriel patted Andrew's shoulder "she made me sit there all day" he pointed towards a child's chair facing a corner.
"Did you get in trouble?" he asked watching his young son closely.
"No daddy" Gabriel shook his head "I good. Good boy."
"Good" Indira shouted "he wouldn't sit still and be quiet. Not even when I told him."
Ignoring her Andrew asked "is that true? Were you making lot of noise?"
Gabriel pressed his face into Andrew's shoulder "I was playing cars." He pointed towards the model town "Grandpa said I could play with it."
"Yes he did" Andrew kissed his son's chubby little cheek wet with tears "It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Didn't do anything wrong" Indira exclaimed glaring at her brother "what do you call making car noises nonstop even after I told him to be quiet? He needs discipline."
"Auntie mean" Gabriel whispered loudly in Andrew's ear.
"I am not" she growled indignantly causing Gabriel to jump in his father's arms.
"Tell her to go away daddy" Gabriel pleaded "me don't like her."
Charlie stuck his head inside the room attracted by his son's loud requests for Indira to leave. "I'll take him outside"he suggested taking Gabriel from Andrew. He gave Indira a piercing glare before leaving the room.
Staring after the young man Indira turned her hostile gaze towards Andrew "you should be ashamed of yourself."
"Me" Andrew gasped wishing he had left when Charlie had "what have I ever done to you for you to dislike me so much?"
"This isn't about me" Indira said "I'm not the one sponging off our parents."

Andrew's mouth dropped open "is that what you think?"
"I don't have to think. I know" she spat out "you taking advantage of our parents and they're too naive to see it. They should let me be in charge of their assets otherwise they won't have any left for Emmie and me."
Andrew stared at her in disbelief. His brain felt paralyzed as her words soaked in "do you really think I'd take more than my fair shared of the inheritance whatever that may be? Money isn't everything. I'd give all the money in the world if it meant keeping mom and dad around a little longer."
"What do you call free room and board? Free food? Free daycare? I bet they even bought those cars your and lover boy drive." She was winding herself up into a fury and it felt so good. She hadn't had a good argument in awhile.
Andrew took a step forward anger making his eyes smolder behind his long lashes. "You're jealous" he said ignoring her insults and slurs "I have what you want. A husband. A child. A good job. I have everything you thought you'd have by now." He laughed shaking his head at her.
Indira's eyes narrowed first in shock then in anger "how dare you. I'd never be jealous of you." She held herself rigidly despite the walls crumbling inside he "you have nothing I want." Even as she said it she knew it wasn't true. She wanted everything he had. The husband. The kids. The job. She wanted it all. "You only have those things because you're taking advantage of our parents generosity. If you were living in the real world you'd have nothing."
"Like you?" Emmaline said from the entry way "why did you come back? To tell mom and dad how awful you think they are? To tell Andrew he's an awful parent? I don't get it. What did we ever do to you?"
"Emmie's right" Andrew said walking towards his sister "she may be young but she's always had my back." He hugged her tight "love you short stuff." Turning towards Indira he said "I don't care what you think of me. You've made it abundantly clear what you think of me and my family. I agree with my son. You need to go." With that he turned and walked from the room.

Indira blinked. There wasn't a trace of the indecisive boy she once knew. What happened to him?
As if in response to her unspoken question Emmaline said "spending almost a year fighting to survive changes a person. Hardens a person. It's an experience that drew all of us closer." She took a step closer to her older sister "I watched Andrew and Charlie fight for each other. What they have together I can only hope I can find. I doubt I'll find someone willing to sacrifice everything for me but if I do I don't intend to let him go." She blinked back tears "don't you dare stand there and deny you don't want the same thing."
"I fail to see how that concerns me" Indira huffed knowing that her sister was right. She may even have had that once but thrown it away. "That doesn't mean they're still not sponging off our parents. Taking what's ours."
"Don't you get it?" Emmaline cried "none of this is ours. We don't have any rights to any of this. Our parents worked for everything they have. The same as Andrew and Charlie are working for what they have."
"That's a laugh" Indira snorted "they're living here for free."
"Who says they're living here for free?" Emmaline demanded.
"I did but Andrew didn't deny it" Indira retorted.
Laughing Emmaline shook her head at her "that's so typical of our brother. He'd rather let you think the worst of him than fight."

"What are you talking about?" Indira asked.
"Just the fact that Andrew pays rent for that apartment they have over the garage. They pay all of their utilities, food and whatever else they need."
"Yeah right" Indira scoffed "they've eaten over here everyday since I've been here."
"Because mom asked them too" Emmaline almost shouted at her "this is the first time in years everyone is home at the same time. Of course she wants to eat as a family."
"It must be pretty cheap rent" Indira continued digging herself deeper "why else rent when you have a growing family that would be better served in their own home."
"You really don't get it" Emmaline shook her head sadly.
"Get what?" Indira's voice rose.
"We're family" Emmaline stomped her foot "mom wants them close. Wants all of us close. You have no idea how much they worry about us. About you."
"Whatever" Indira mumbled walking away.

A week later Indira was sitting at her desk numbly going through piles of paperwork transferring the paper files to the computer. She kept telling herself on repeat that this was better than the mail room. Glancing up she saw Randy doing the same thing. With her diploma she should be a rung or two above someone who hadn't even finished his degree.
"I'm calling it a night" Randy said from his desk shutting down his computer "would you like a ride?"
"Sure" she said tiding up her desk before shutting down her computer for the night.
Walking into the elevator Randy asked "do you mind if I make a quick stop to pick someone up?"
"Hot date" she asked as a sharp knife seemed to stab her in the heart. Why did the thought of him going out bother her so much? Sighing Randy shook his head the overhead light catching the sadness in his eyes. The moment was missed as Indira stepped out of the elevator and into the poorly lit parking garage.
Collecting his car Randy drove up to what looked like a shabby three floor walk up. Putting the car in park he said "wait here" as he got out.
Ignoring his request Indira followed him inside the building. "If you think I'm going to wait in the car you have another thing coming."
Glumly he accepted her presence. He knew it had been a mistake offering her a ride. He was already late and Mrs Bolaji wasn't known for patience with tardiness. Knocking on the flimsy door Randy took a deep breath bracing himself for the blast he knew was coming.
"You're late" a heavy set dour looking middle aged woman growled opening the door.

"I know" Randy said in a resigned voice "I'm sorry."
"My hours are clearly marked" she stabbed a pudgy finger towards an ancient blackboard "this is the second time this week you've been late. If this continues you'll need to find a different daycare."
"Daddy" a small hesitant voice broke into the one sided conversation.
"Hey pumpkin" Randy smiled as he bent to embrace the little girl running towards him "how's my girl?"
Looking over her shoulder she gave a fearful look to the imposing bulk of Mrs Bolaji. "I want to go home" she announced squeezing her arms tight around Randy's neck.
"You're daughter lacks discipline" the woman emphasized her words with stabbing motions of her index finger at Randy's chest "a real hellion"
Randy turned his back on the irate woman feeling his daughter tremble in his arms. He bumped into Indira in the process "sorry" he mumbled earning himself a baleful glare.
"Daddy who that?" the little girl asked pointing at Indira who had followed them to the car.
"That's Indira" Randy explained "daddy works with."
"Oh" the girls eyes grew large "she looks mean." Her voice loud enough to carry clearly to Indira.

"Shh" Randy admonished her "that's not nice." He tickled her hoping to distract the little girl from Indira's presence. As he settled his daughter into her car seat she announced for all to hear "I hungy."
"As soon as I take Indira home we'll get something to eat" he said before closing the door and walking around to the driver's seat.
"Doesn't that woman feed her?" Indira demanded her tone full of disapproval.
"Of course she does" Randy asserted "during regular hours."
Glancing at him in silence for several long seconds before asking "why do you take you daughter there? Surely there are better places..."
"Better places yes" Randy gripped the steering wheel as someone sped past him and into his lane "none I can afford though."
"What about your parents?" Indira asked "can't they help you? How about the mother?"
"My daughter is my responsibility" Randy mumbled "my parents offered to let me live with them until I got on my feet. Elissa's grandparents freaked out over the thought of her being raised in Moonlight Falls among what they consider freaks of nature."
"Why didn't you tell me you were married?" Indira demanded accusingly.

"Why? Jealous?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road and the heavy city traffic.
"Of course not" she rolled her eyes at the idea "you just seemed to have acquired a family awfully fast. It's been what two yeas since we lived together."
"We roomed together" Randy corrected "we never lived together." He glanced in the rear view mirror checking on his daughter "I was dating Elissa's mother while we were in college."
"So you were cheating on me all this time?" Indira accused her voice rising inside the car.
"Keep your voice down" Randy cautioned "I never cheated on you. We were never dating. I didn't think you liked me enough to call me a friend led alone your boyfriend."
"Then what do you call living together?" she demanded.
"We lived in the same house" Randy snarled "we never slept together. Hell we never spoke to each other accept to argue. That's not a relationship. That's two misfit roomies that didn't belong together."
"That's not how I saw it" she mumbled to herself glancing out the window.
"I'm sorry" Randy sighed beside her "I never even considered you might have liked me. Hell you hardly knew I existed."

Wiping a tear from her eye Indira asked "where's the mother? Waiting at home? Dinner on the table."
A long silence ensued following her question. "No" Randy said voice shaky "she passed away right after Elissa was born."
"I'm sorry" Indira said putting a hand lightly on his that was resting on the gear shifter "I didn't know."
"Yeah well new you do" Randy said gruffly "Elissa and I doing just fine." He sniffed parking in front of a building he couldn't hope to ever afford.
"Would you like to come in?" she asked "I'm not much of a cook as you know but I can make mac and cheese."
"I should get Elissa home" he stalled shaking his head.
"Daddy hungy" Elissa whined from the backseat "please."
"Please" Indira begged sticking her bottom lip out.
"Alright I know when I'm voted" Randy laughed wondering what he had just gotten himself into. Was it a good idea letting one of the most frustrating women he had ever known back into his life?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

4.25 Homecoming

"What was that?" Drew cried sitting up in bed shaking.
"Lightening" Caleb mumbled half asleep "must have hit something."
Getting out of bed she went to look out the window. Rain was coming down in sheets, lightening flashed as thunder rumbled across the night sky. Shivering Drew rubbed her hands up and down her arms. A feeling of unease enveloped her. "Caleb" she shouted "there's something out there."
At the sound of her strident voice Caleb jumped from the bed wide awake. He came up alongside her peering in the direction she was pointing. Squinting he tried to make out who or what was out there. "Wait here" he told her.
"Where are you going?" she demanded.

Retracing his steps he pulled her close "I need to check it out." He kissed her forehead lightly leaving the touch of his lips on her skin. "Stay here," he repeated walking towards the door.
"Caleb" she said following him "be careful" she entreated him.
"I'll be right back" he assured her. He turned closing the firmly behind him.
Caleb descended the stairs as rapidly as his feet would take him. He shoved his feet into some shoes before opening the front door. He was soaked the instant he stepped outside. He scanned the dark rain soaked yard made darker and more ominous with the street lights being out due to the storm. Wishing he had brought a flashlight he moved away from the house towards the spot he had last seen the group of people.
He tried to keep his hopes under tight control not wanting to be disappointed. This could be it. The night when the boys came home. He distinctly remembered the loud clap of thunder that announced Emmalines' arrival. He turned towards the house as a bright flash of lightening lit up the yard. The air sizzle with ozone as he turned back to his task almost blind from the sudden bright light.

"Dad" a familiar voice called.
"Andrew?" Caleb cried recognizing his son's beloved voice. Running in the direction he heard his son's voice Caleb collapsed in his son's arms. Pulling back enough to inspect his son's much loved face. His hair was down when he normally wore it tied back. It was his son. "We've got to get you inside before you all die of pneumonia."
A shrill cry from a baby had Caleb turning in surprise and shock "is that?" he swallowed taking a step towards the sound. Charlie came into view using his jacket to shield a crying newborn baby. Eyes glued to the infant Caleb was frozen to the spot staring at his grandchild.
"Don't just stand there" a voice said from behind them "get inside the house."
Turning Caleb found Drew had followed him outside into the pouring rain. Taking her hand he led the way into the house.

"Don't just stand there dripping" Drew urged "come in." She smiled at the young couple urging them forward. The man was carrying a dark haired little girl "Zayne is that you?" she asked upon him adjusting the girl in his arms so she was able to see his face clearly.
"Honey" Caleb gave her hand a squeeze "let's save the questions until after they've had a chance to get dry and have some rest."
Nodding she smiled over at the soaking we little family "I have some old clothes that my daughters grew out of that you can have for the little ones," she said to the pink haired young woman who she assumed was the girls mother. They had the same pink skin tone.
"Thank you" Millie murmured shivering from the cold wet clothes she had on.
"I'll see if I can find something you can were that's warm and dry" Drew said leading them upstairs so they could shower and go to bed.
"Boys" Caleb said turning towards his son "Emmie and your mother spent a lot of time decorating the baby's room."

"She's here" Andrew choked "I hoped. I wanted to believe. I thought oh god." He stumbled falling into his father's arms too tired to keep control of his emotions.
"We thought she was dead" Charlie explained "I'm so glad she's alright."
"So am I" Caleb agreed drawing the two boys into his arms hugging them tight "get cleaned up. Sleep. We can talk later." Caleb stepped back watching them nod and make their way towards their apartment "boys it's good to have you home," he called out to them before they left.
"It's good to be home" Andrew said with a weary smile "we um I...should see a doctor."
"Get some rest" Caleb urged "we'll deal with all the other stuff tomorrow."

hey trudged up the stairs to their apartment. Stopping in shock as they looked upon the changes that had been made. Gone was the old lady decor. "Wow" the gasped together wide eyed with wonder.
"It's the way I imagined it could look" Charlie eventually broke the silence.
"I'm going to take a bath," Andrew said trying to hide the exhaustion he felt.
"I'll feed and change Gabriel" Charlie offered knowing that Andrew hadn't fully recovered from giving birth yet. The sooner he saw a doctor the better Charlie thought.

After putting Gabriel down for the night in his crib Charlie knocked softly on the bathroom door. "Andrew can I come in?" he called. Receiving no response he tried the door. Locked. Not wanting to disturb the baby Charlie sat on the floor leaning his head back he waited. It wasn't like Andrew to lock him out. They hadn't had much of a chance to talk privately since the baby was born or coming home. He could tell something had been eating away at Andrew. He could see the fear in Andrew's eyes whenever their eyes would lock. Always Andrew would look away first.
Something had happened during the weeks Andrew had been on his own. Something that scared him. Something he was afraid Charlie wouldn't understand. Exhaustion was taking it's toll on him as his eyes grew heavy. Soon he was asleep propped up in the door snoring softly waiting for Andrew to come out.

Andrew ignored the soft insistent knocking as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He could hear Charlie calling his name. It sounded so remote and far away from him. He was home. No mutants to worry about. No one to hurt him. He was safe. For the first time in months he was safe.
The steam from the bath water misted the mirror obscuring his reflection. Shivering he crawled into the tub. Closing his eyes as images of the behemoth invaded his mind. Jerking awake he muffled a terrified scream. He could still feel the monsters hands as the explored his body. The rough intent. The persistent kisses.
Nausea had him crawling from the tub dripping water on the floor. Hugging the toilet he release what little he had in his stomach. What was he going to tell Charlie? Would he look at him differently? Would he understand that he couldn't do anything about the situation? That he was trapped, scared and miserable. Seeking the warmth of the tub he eased his body into the water. He was filthy. Grabbing a clean cloth he began to scrub the filth away. No matter how much he scrubbed he was never going to be clean again. He'd never rid his skin from that creatures touch. He was stained for life.

Waking with a jerk Charlie looked around confused as to where he was. Home. He was home. Andy? Where was he? He tried the door again. Still locked. How long had he been in there? Knocking again he called out "honey what's wrong? You've been in there a long time." He pressed his ear against the door straining to hear anything. What he heard was muffled sobs that made his heart feel as if someone had squeezed it till it burst in two.
Remorse stabbed at him. He should have realized Andrew was in there crying alone. Desperate to get to him, to hold him, to assure him that he was loved and safe Charlie threw himself against the door.He could hear the wood begin to splinter under his attack. He called out "baby let me in" silence and sobs was the only response he received.
With determination born of desperation Charlie renewed his effort on the door. "Andrew honey let me in" he called heedless of the noise he was making. He had to get to Andrew. He fell to the floor when the door gave way to his onslaught. Looking up from the floor he found Andrew curled up tight in a ball face buried in his hands. Sobbing. Deep gut wrenching sobs that convulsed his entire body.

"Aw honey" Charlie gasped crawling into the still steaming water causing him to wonder water the temperature had been before. He pulled Andrew close wrapping his arms around him. He could feel Andrew curl his hands into his shirt. The material tearing under the added strain. He sat in the slowly cooling water fully dressed holding Andrew until he cried himself out. He didn't ask any questions. He simply held him close. Sometimes it felt like Andrew wanted to melt into him as if he were afraid. Through it all Charlie just held him. His arms strong and sure. He placed soft kisses along Andrew's cheek and forehead letting him know he was there.
Calming a little Andrew sniffed "you're still wearing your clothes."
"Yeah they needed a good washing" Charlie said with a smile "are you alright?" he asked trying to keep his tone light despite his concern.
Andrew shook his head letting it come to rest on Charlies shoulder like he lacked the strength to hold it up. "I'm sorry" he whispered his body shuddering in Charlie's arms.
"For what?" he asked.
"I didn't want him to" Andrew continued as if he hadn't heard him "I couldn't make him stop." Fresh tears erupted as he tried to pull away "you'll hate me..."

Charlie locked his arms around Andrew refusing to let go "there's nothing you can say or do to make me hate you." He tried to sound confidant despite the numbness that was sapping the strength from his body.What happened while they had been apart? He'd hunt down and kill whoever hurt him he'd...."
"I was captured by a group of mutants" Andrew explained his voice hesitant, afraid.
Charlie held him until he finished his story about his time with the mutants. Helpless anger rose up within as Charlie listened to how the behemoth had fondled him. He wanted to go back for no other reason than to track down and kill that creature who had done this to someone he loved.
"I didn't want him to" Andrew choked "I tried to push him away but he kissed me anyway." He took a harsh ragged breath "I didn't know what to do. I'm so so sorry."
Taking Andrew's face gently but firmly between his hands Charlie forced him to look at him. "It's not your fault. You were caged like an animal. You had no idea what that creature would do if you had been able to defend yourself. He could have killed you and the baby."

"I can still feel his  hands touching me" Andrew muttered "no matter how much I scrubbed I couldn't get the feeling of his hands off me."
That simple plaintive statement tore at Charlie's heart. It explained so much. Why he had locked himself in the bathroom. Why he had refused to let him in. "I love you" Charlie said not knowing what else to say or do "it doesn't matter what that thing did to you. I will always love you. I'll spend every day to eternity showing you how much I love you."
"Just hold me" Andrew sighed relaxing into Charlie's arms "let me feel your arms around me. Help me to forget how that thing felt pawing at me."

Drew walked into the bedroom to find Caleb waiting for her. "You should change" he suggested "you look like a drowned rat."
"Very funny" she smiled sidling up close to him.
"Not so close" he protested "you're still wet."
"I'm cold" she pouted pulling her nightie over her head before wrapping her arms around her husband "better?"
"Much" he said pulling her tight "I know the perfect way to warm you up."

"I thought you might" she smirked up at him before his mouth smashed down upon hers with an urgent need. She groaned as their mouths parted so she could pull his shirt over his head.
Several minutes later they lay drowsily in each other's arms "it's good to have everyone home again." Drew said as she drifted off to sleep. Caleb gently smiled down at her sleeping peaceful face. There had been a time he never thought he could love again. He had given his heart and soul to Star. To have lost her once was bad enough but to lose her a second time in another dimension almost destroyed him. This woman in lying in his arms taught him how to love again. To take the chance of letting someone else in despite any possible loss and pain. If it weren't for her he wouldn't have the beautiful children he had. He had learned to stop wishing he could share his happiness with his family They were lost to him here. Long gone in the passage of time. At moments like this he couldn't help wishing again he could let his family know that he was finally irrevocably happy.

Unaware of the events taking place at home Indira spent a restless night alone. Her professor's words haunting her dreams. How dare he imply she was a heartless ruthless money hungry person. He had no right. No proof. No reason to fail her because of her ethics or lack there of. It had been a well written paper. She had spent weeks researching the points she had made within it's many pages.
Groaning she tossed the blankets aside and dragged herself from the bed and into the bathroom. She avoided looking into the mirror. She didn't need it telling her she looked like crap warmed over. She stripped before stepping into the shower. The hot water cascaded down her her back and shoulders.
Sheree's smiling happy face invaded her thoughts. Almost as if she were gloating over her misery. Why did it bother her that Sheree had found someone to make her happy? It's not like she cared what the girl thought of her. She turned her face into the steady stream of water.

Ugh! Get out of my head stupid girl Indira thought. She only liked Sheree when she thought her brother might be into her. She thought if she kept pushing them into each others paths that Andrew would give up his obsession with Charlie. She squeezed her eyes tight. it had been months since she had last seen or talked to her twin. How difficult could the future be? Things had to be better there than here. Emmaline's angry face popped to mind making her think that maybe she might be wrong. Should she call home to see how things were? Would her parents want to here from her? Turning the water off she wrapped a towel around her slim body.
She found her phone. Pulled up her dad's number. Her finger hovered over the send button. Sighing she tossed her phone aside. They wouldn't want to hear from her. She had let her opinions be known loud and clear. She had seen the sadness in their eyes as she refused to be the girl they wanted her to be. The girl she knew existed if she wasn't so busy ruthlessly trying to change her into a self imposed mold not even her professor thought was a good person. Perfect bitch was what came to mind.
She had to be ruthless to be in business. Nice guys finish last. She could hear Randy's voice in the back of her head telling her off. Laughing at her. Telling her nothing was more important than family. That might be true she grudgingly admitted to herself. But what if she had pushed her family so far away that they didn't want her back? She had only one course of action left to her. Follow the path she was on even if it wasn't the path she wanted anymore. She curled her legs into her chest as she lay quietly crying as her foundations crumbled around her.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

4.24 Making Adjustments

Zayne took a step back. Glanced out the window where the pseudo mutant zombie type creatures seemed to be dissipating. He glanced back towards the happy couple oohing and awing over their son. His eyes misted over taking his mind back to the day his son had been born. He blinked several times before glancing down at the soft touch on his forearm. He smiled down at Millie who was looking up at him in concern "what's wrong? Are those things getting inside the force field?"
"What?" he shook his head attempting to clear his mind from it's unsettling thoughts "no. They seem to be leaving."
"Then what?" she asked entwining her fingers with his.
"It's just...." he sighed  looking down at her "you know I love you right?"
"Of course" she leaned into him "never doubted it for a second."
"That boy" nodding towards Charlie "reminds me a lot of my son."
"But he's not, is he?" Millie asked eyes fixed on Zayne's face.
Shaking his head Zayne sighed his eyes full of sadness "wrong dimension. My Charlie. My Son died in a car accident."

"I'm sorry," Millie gently wiped away a tear that slid down his nose "this must be difficult for you." She kept her voice low to keep from disturbing the couple nearby. Her heart went out to Zayne. He seldom spoke of his other life preferring to keep both realities separate. "If you need to talk I'm here" she offered unsure what else she could do but listen.
Slipping an arm around her he gave her a tender kiss on her soft pliable lips. "I love you" he sighed pulling away when he noticed Charlie watching them.
"Um" Charlie mumbled looking away an awkward expression overwhelming the fatigue lines in his face. Closing his eyes he tried to tell himself the man in side the room with him was not his father. A stranger that resembled someone he once knew and loved. "Do you think you could help me move Andrew to the bed?" he asked once he had his feelings under control.
"Of course we will" Millie answered when the awkward silence in the room grew to long. Placing a hand on Zayne's cheek she whispered "talk to the boy. He's feeling as awkward as you are."

"Alright" Zayne nodded moving forward to help Charlie as he attempted to pick up Andrew but failing. "Here let me do that" he said pushing the boy away. He hoisted Andrew into his arms surprised at how little he weighed. With the boy in his arms he turned to Millie "you better see what we have around here to eat. This boy is practically skin and bones."
Nodding Millie moved towards the shabby cupboards in what was once a kitchen.
"There isn't much" Charlie said holding the baby "I was pretty low on provisions before you arrived." He followed Zayne into the bedroom "what can we use for a crib?"
Surveying the dismal room Zayne took one of the drawers from the old dresser emptying it's contents onto the floor. "For now he can sleep in here." He sifted through the moth eaten sweaters selecting a few to line the bottom of the old splinter drawer. He took an old t-shirt that was still intact and swaddled the baby in it. "It's not perfect but he won't fall out."

"Daddy" Emmaline cried running to Caleb's wide open arms "I missed you so much."
He petted her long soft pink tresses "I missed you too" he murmured holding her tight.
"I wish you could have come with us" she mumbled against his shoulder "mom and I had so many adventures searching for sunken treasures, mermaids and the lost city of Atlantis." Her words tumbled from her mouth making it difficult to follow her from thought to thought.
"It sounds like you had a wonderful time" he said watching her eyes sparkle with a renewed life "I'm sorry I missed out on all the fun."
"That's ok. I know you would have been there if you could have been" she assured him "they're not home yet are they?" she asked looking around.
Shaking his head Caleb sighed "I wish they were too sweetheart."

"I know daddy" she glanced over at her mom with a smile "we'll throw a huge party when they do come home, right?"
"Yes we will" Drew agreed absently trying to keep her voice cheery despite the disappointment that coursed through her. She had hoped the boys would be home. Had hoped despite knowing that Caleb would have told her if they were. She had hoped deep down that he had decided to surprise her with the news.
"I'm sorry" Caleb said pulling both his girls close "I hoped they'd be home by the time you came back."
"It's ok dad" Emmaline sniffed wiping at her eyes "we just have to be patient." Turning to her mom with a bright smile "I know what we can do while we wait. We can decorate the baby's room."
"The what?" Drew asked gasping in surprise.
"Dad didn't tell you?" Emmaline asked watching her dad slowly shake his head. Taking her mom's hand Emmaline explained "Andrew is pregnant. You should see how cute he is with his pregnant belly."

"I didn't know..." Drew took a deep breath closing her eyes "how is this even possible?"
Shrugging Emmaline continued "I don't know. Andrew thinks it has something to do with Grandpa being abducted by aliens. His genetics were altered."
"He thinks it's hereditary?" she asked astonished.
"Yeah it has be something like that since they've only ever done the deed once and that was before..." Emmaline's mouth snapped shut when she noticed her parents staring at her."Sorry it's just...I sort of interrupted them when we arrived in the future. While we were there they weren't allowed to be together." she shivered at the memories "it's not lie there were any doctors to confirm his theory. We were never alone for them to do anything there. So it had to be before they got whisked away to the future."
"We get the picture" Caleb assured her recovering from the shock first "besides it's not that unusual for men to have babies now. Not since that scientific break through a few years ago."
"But neither Andrew or Charlie had that procedure done," Drew pointed out "it must have been such a shock for them." Turning to Emmaline "you're sure he's pregnant and not something else."

"I'm sure" she said electing not to tell her how she knew or why she was so positive. It was already shock enough to know her son was pregnant with her first grandchild. She didn't need to know Andrew had been quarantined because of a mutant bite that he was immune to because of his ability to become pregnant.
Caleb put an arm around Drew "Emmie isn't making this up. Andrew is pregnant. Quinn told me."
It was Emmaline's turn to be shocked. Her dad had kept something from her mom. That was practically unheard of. "I'm going inside" she said thinking they needed time alone to talk.
"Emmie" Drew called after her "make a list of everything you think they will need for the baby. Tomorrow we'll start on the baby room."
"Ok mom" Emmaline agreed as she opened the door leaving her parents alone together.

"I thought you said you were low on provisions" Millie accused when Charlie limped into view.
"I was" he said staring in disbelief at the full cupboard of canned goods. "I mentioned to Quinn I need to go on a supply run before she left setting up the force field. That was the last time I checked. There was no point. I couldn't do anything about it."
"Well it's obvious she meant for you to survive with the amount of food she has stored in here" Millie said with a chuckle "I'll make an inventory and get something going for breakfast."
"Thank you" Zayne said giving her a quick kiss before turning to Charlie "if you're feeling up to it I have a few questions."
"Aren't you tired?" Charlie asked hoping to stall for time.
Shrugging Zayne said "I'm used to going for days at a time without sleep."
Opening the front door Charlie walked out onto the front porch. He waited for Zayne to join him. He could see the older man's hesitancy "it's ok. The mutant's don't seem to notice as long as the force field stays in place and we stay relatively quiet."
"That's good to know" Zayne said looking uneasily at the glowing red eyes as they passed in the dark "where are your parents?"
"If you're asking if we were born here in this hell hole then no we weren't" Charlie chuckled "Andrew and I belong to the past."

"You're time travelers?" Zayne asked sounding incredulous.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" Charlie wanted to know "you traveled through dimensions."
"True" Zayne acknowledged "why haven't you just gone back to your own time?"
"I wish we could" Charlie sighed leaning his head back "Andrew and I didn't even know what was happening until we were dumped here. Emmaline and her cousins were experimenting with time travel and well we're here with no way of getting  home."
"So you being here was an accident" Zayne stated noting the brief glimpse of grief in the boys blue eyes "I take it this Emmaline didn't make it."
"I don't know," Charlie whispered "I was hurt at the time. Andrew was pregnant." He ran a hand through his hair "she went out on a supply run and never came back." He looked off into the distance "Quinn said she sent her home..."
"You don't believe her?" Zayne asked "from what I've observed she seemed to genuinely want to help you. It's seems probable Quinn is able to do what she said she did."
"I'm beginning to believe that" Charlie sniffed "it's just been so long. Almost eight months since" He hung his head trying to control the tears "the baby. It's too early. Several weeks early."
"He's survived this long" Zayne encouraged "you have to believe he'll continue to do so." Sitting this close to the boy he was astonished to see how young he was "how old are you?

"Nineteen almost twenty" Charlie wiped his eyes "Andrew is a couple of months younger. We were supposed to be in college not here in this awful place."
Zayne nodded "I'm here if you want someone to talk to." He noticed the half desperate half puzzled look on Charlie's face before he said "you look so much like my dad I have to keep reminding myself you're not him. No matter how much I wish it were otherwise."
"It it makes you feel better" Zayne offered watching the flickering force field "I have to do the same with you. You're not my son even though you look like him."
"What happened to him?" Charlie asked watching the older man closely.
"He died" Zayne said softly "he had just gotten his driver's license. We were spending the summer in Sunlit Tides."
"He took a corner a little too fast losing control of the car" Charlie finished for him "something similar happened to me but for whatever reason the car caught on a tree long enough for me to get out before it tumbled the rest of the way down the cliff." He shivered remembering how close he had come to dying that day "I still don't know how I got out."
"I'd like believe my Charlie tried to do the same" Zayne sniffed "what about your parents. I'm sure they're worried about you."
Charlie shook his head "Andrew's family is my the only family I have now. My parents are both dead. Mom died in a boating accident shortly after I was born." He blinked back tears gulping in air "dad was killed in the line of duty protecting his partner. It's been almost two years now."
"It's sounds like our dimensions were pretty similar" Zayne observed "this the third dimension I've been in. Mine, Millie's and now yours."

"Don't you get confused?" Charlie asked.
"I don't let the details bother me," Zayen leaned back closing his eyes "although it was disconcerting seeing you here. I thought I'd died or something."
"I felt the same" Charlie sighed "I know you're not my dad but would you mind if..."
"I adopted you?" Zayne finished "I don't mind. My girls would love to have an older brother. Just give me time to explain things to Millie."
"Sure" Charlie nodded "once we get home you'll need to talk to Caleb. He's not from this dimension either."
"Whose Caleb?" Zayne asked.
"Caleb Gray. He's Andrew's father" Charlie informed him yawning.
"You better go inside and get some more rest" Zayne suggested "that mutant poison has taken a lot out of you."
Nodding Charlie did as he was told not having the energy to protest. Zayne stayed outside thinking over everything he had learned. He remembered meeting Caleb Gray in his own dimension as well as Millie's. He couldn't hep but wonder if this Caleb Gray was the same. He put his fingers to his temples kneading them as he felt a headache coming on. Charlie was right jumping from dimension to dimension was confusing.

"Let daddy sleep" Millie told the little pink haired girl.
"No" the toddler whined "want daddy."
Millie put her hands on her hips staring down at her daughter "daddy needs to sleep. He'll play with you later."
"No now" Jordyn whined giving her dad's shoulder a push.
"Come on" Harmony said taking her sister's hand leading her away from Zayne "let's play patty cake."
"No" Jordyn cried crossing her arms tears threatening to flow at any moment.

Startled they looked up as the bedroom door opened and Andrew staggered out holding the baby. "You shouldn't be up" Millie scolded.
"I couldn't lay in there any longer listening to Charlie snore" Andrew attempted to joke "besides this little guy's hungry." He looked at Millie imploring her to help him "I don't know what to do."
"Well" Millie took a moment to mentally review what they had available for a newborn to eat. Shaking her head she said "you must be able to nurse. After all you're equipped with everything else you need to have a baby."
Andrew grunted in dismay giving her an appalled look. Glancing at the baby in his arms and his pinched little face and bunched up little fists he asked "how do I do that?"
Zayne sat up rubbing his slipped dazed eyes "why don't I take the girls outside so you can help the boy with what he needs to do" he suggested.
"Is it safe to go outside?" she asked fear causing her voice to rise.

"As long as we stay behind the force field we should be ok," Zayne said "we'll stay on the porch just in case."
Harmony covered her face with her hands "I don't want to go out there. Please daddy don't make."
Gently he took her hand "Harmony it's ok. The bad things won't get you. I promise. I'll protect you."
Slowly she removed her hands from her face "you promise?" she asked searching his face for reassurance.
"Of course sweetie," Zayne patted her head "I'll always protect you."
When they left Millie gestured towards the couch "let's see what you've got." She laughed at the horrified look that came over Andrew's face. "I didn't mean it like that," she amended realizing the boy was as shy as he appeared to be "there's really nothing to it."

Once Andrew had gotten the hang of nursing the baby he smiled "it's weird and natural at the same time. Thanks" he said burping the baby the way Millie showed him "this is all so new to me. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here."

"You would have figured it out. It's new to every parent at some point. The next one will be  easier" she assured him.
Shaking his head Andrew sighed "one is enough," he murmured gazing in the eyes of his newborn son "especially in this place. I hoped we'd be home by now. She promised..." his voice faded away "i was so sure she could be trusted."
"She who?" Millie asked "Quinn?"
"You've met her?" Andrew asked.
"We met" Millie nodded "she saved our lives when we arrived here. I think" she paused patting Andrew's hand "she used a lot of power siphoning the mutant poison from Charlie's blood that she may not have been able to send you home."

"What are you saying exactly?" Andrew asked frustration rising his clipped words and tense muscles.
"I think she needed to recharge" Millie gave him a reassuring smile "I think she needs a lot of energy to send all of us to your time."
"So you think she'll come back" Andrew said searching her face for reassurance.
Millie smiled "I do." She watched the fear drain from his face making him look even younger and more vulnerable than he did before.For whatever reason he reminded her of someone she once knew "do you know a Jeffrey Bennett?" She didn't know why she asked him. It was just a feeling that it was somehow important.
"I have an Uncle named Jeffrey Bennett" he smiled as he went on to answer her many questions she had about his family.

Quinn woke with a start feeling disoriented like large chunks of time had passed. She could feel the power within her humming along at full strength. Something she had missed for several weeks. It felt good to be refreshed even though she had no clear recollection how she had gotten back to her safe haven or how long she had slept.
She felt revived. Ready to tackle the mounting problems her dimension faced. The beacon was set ready to adjust the future as the past is changed. Everything was in place to begin. It was time to make good on her promise. She closed her eyes squeezing them tight a sound like sizzling live wires of electricity filled the room. Falling to the floor breathing hard she smiled "it's done" she gasped dragging herself to the bed sleep overtaking her once again.